Dickson Resource Blog

Continuing Education Options For Manufacturing Supervisors

Written by Dickson | Jul 31, 2014 3:41:21 PM

Whether you’re fresh out of college or trade school, or have been on the job for 30 years, gaining a new skill and learning about new technologies, processes, and theories in the manufacturing world will only benefit your career. Below we've provided some ways to further your career.


You could take a class! Check out your local community college, trade school, or university to see if they are offering classes on topics and subjects that would benefit your career. That can mean brushing up on your knowledge of Microsoft Excel, or learning about the ways in which lean manufacturing is affecting the shift in the development of new factories overseas. There are also online classes, many of which allow you to work at your own pace, and some that are completely free!

Our picks:



Trade shows and conferences are usually places that present up-to-date studies and regulation information on the manufacturing world. You not only learn about the latest innovations in your industry, but also about new ways in which companies are becoming more efficient by continually improving their processes. Also, you get to network with experts in your industry. This face-to-face time with your manufacturing peers is an incredible resource of knowledge. Talking with the people in your industry will enlighten you in many ways to simply, be better at your job.

Our picks:


Magazines, New Sources, and Blogs

Instead of starting every day with a cup of coffee and your facebook news feed, get better at your job. Manufacturing specific online magazines, news outlets, and blogs will provide you with information you will use for 6, 8, 10, or 12 hours a day. Stay informed.

Our picks:


Social Media

Hop on twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook (and follow/like us while you are at it!). There is so much happening on social media these days, much more than #thatawkwardmomentwhen and spam bots. You can brush up on the news each morning, read important articles in the manufacturing world, and keep up to date on what our favorite industry insiders are saying about the manufacturing landscape.

Our picks:


Industry Specific Options

What do we mean by "Industry Specific Options?" It’s a reminder to constrict what you decide to pursue in continuing education. There are only 168 hours in a week. If you find yourself signing up for a continuing education classes that is only kind-of-sort-of beneficial to the advancement of your career, that’s time wasted on something that could be really valuable. Our best advice is to narrow your focus to the manufacturing industry that you inhabit.