Dickson Resource Blog

Introducing Our New Catalog

Written by Dickson | Apr 7, 2014 2:02:53 PM




What's different about it?

(To order a print version, or download a digital copy, visit Dickson's Catalog Page.)


It's now called Dickson Insights.


Yup, it's not really a catalog anymore. It's a magazine/catalog hybrid. We took many of the articles on this blog, and inserted them, or at least pieces of them, into our catalog.

And that's why we changed the name. We provide insights into your work. We wanted to make your job easier, or at least a little more interesting. Inside each catalog, you will find different articles pertaining to the industries who use Dickson's products.


Don't worry, we didn't leave the information you want on Dickson products out. DicksonOne, Touchscreens, and almost all of Dickson's products make an appearance in each catalog, with the information that is important to you provided across multiple pages.

And that's the gist of it. If you want to learn more, download a catalog for free! Also, if you have a comment, question, or something you would like to see in future catalogs, let us know in the comment sections below. Or, send an email to content@dicksondata.com.