Dickson Resource Blog

New Photo and Video Workshop Time Lapse

Written by Matt M | Mar 27, 2011 11:23:39 PM

Below you will find a video that I made this past Friday. It is a quick time lapse video of our new photography and video workshop area being made. More specifically, they are the tables that will make up the workshop. If you had ever visited our old website, you'd know that the product photography was lacking (and that is probably being friendly). With our new site we have made product photography a real priority.

Our goal is to get you the right product or solution for your application. By providing better imagery not only do you know what you are getting before you get it, but we can also aid you better in determining what features you need and if the particular unit you are looking at provides that.

Look at these two screenshots of the KT803 product page:

On the left you'll see our old site; on the right is the new one. You can see there is a much higher focus on featuring the product photography in a way that helps you make the decisions you need to. There are multiple images and they are a higher quality. Soon you'll be able to click on a photo to enlarge it.

We didn't forget the content either. Important compare features are highlighted in an easier to read grid, specifications now have their own clean page, related products and accessories are there and easier to see, as well as the support information.

Here's that video I mentioned earlier:

This video was quick and fun, but it highlights the attention we are paying to this important aspect of the customer experience. With the ability to see the products in greater detail it hopefully makes the decision to buy easier. More photography is being added to the site all the time. Additionally, we are focusing on videos a lot more. Check out our YouTube page for more product introduction videos, how-to's, and hopefully some more fun ones like these.

As always, we'd love to hear from you! If you have any suggestions for videos you'd like to see or photographs you think we are missing then shoot us an email on the Contact-Us page. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.


The technical details: the video was made with a Microsoft LifeCam Studio web camera and the software I used is called Yawcam. The final video was edited in iMovie.