

Museum and Archive Storage: Your Monitoring Plan

We've previously provided you wonderful readers with a glimpse into why a museum or archive would monitor the temperature and humidity inside their facility. Let’s say you are a museum coordinator or archivist, and we convinced you to start monitoring your environment. Or, you already do monitor...

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5 Tools Every Manufacturing Supervisor Needs

1. Customized Spreadsheets

“Customized Spreadsheets” may seem like both an oddly specific and a much too broad tool for the manufacturing supervisor’s world. Fundamentally, you need someway to generate reports of what you are producing, the materials you are using to produce your product, the labor...

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Replaceable Sensors: What are they, and how do they work?

What is it?

If you have a data logger or chart recorder, you probably have heard of calibration, and calibration has probably given you a headache. Calibration, or the process of checking and adjusting your measuring device to read temperature and humidity (or any variable, at that) more accurately...

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More FAQ's on Themometer Calibration

A few weeks ago, we answered four of our customer's most frequently asked questions about temperature calibrations. We realized that only answering the four most common questions we've received doesn't stop the confusion that comes with calibration and its many nuances. So, here are five more...

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Semi-Trucks Part 2: DicksonOne To The Rescue

A little less than two years ago, our Product Manager, Matt, wrote a blog post after a semi-truck took out some power lines around the Dickson offices and manufacturing plant. Well, it happened again. . .

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Crowd Chatter: The One Thing That Every Great Manufacturing Supervisor Has

"What do all great manufacturing supervisors have in common?"

I posed this question to an online community of manufacturing supervisors a few months ago, trying to start a fun discussion on essential skills, tricks, and processes that the best manufacturing supervisors have. The responses poured...

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What is Data Resolution? (With Video!)

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Warehouse Audit Survival Guide: Food Warehouses and the FDA

FDA Inspectors can cause a bit of anxiety. No one wants their company’s name in the papers for a salmonella or listeria outbreak. We get that. In order to help you foodies out a bit, we wrote our very own “Warehouse Survival Guide for Food Storage.” This is by no means an end all be all list, and...

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Museum and Archive Storage: An Introduction To Data Loggers, Temperature, and Humidity

Museum and archive storage is important. How important? Well, the minds behind the underrated Ocean's 12 thought it so important they included this scene at the end of their movie:

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Office Temperatures and Productivity

We've all worn a sweater in the office during the dog days of summer. We've all thought our office was a little stuffy during the dark, frigid days of January. It’s counterproductive, but it happens. By monitoring temperature in the office you can save money on energy costs, make everyone in the...

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