
Resources for Hospital IT Supervisors

Healthcare IT is at the forefront of medical development these days. In previous editions of Dickson Insights and on our blog, we’ve outlined top twitter accounts, best websites and links, and other resources meant to help out those in the Healthcare IT landscape that is constantly changing around...

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FDA Temperature Mapping and Monitoring Explained: A Dickson Translation

When it comes to regulatory bodies and concrete descriptions of how exactly you should be monitoring your environment . . . well it never comes to that.

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How Medical Device Regulations Vary Globally

For actual Medical Device Manufacturers, the question posed in the title of this article may seem a little silly. Medical Device Manufacturers obviously know who monitors, regulates, and audits them, and who they have to answer to when something goes wrong. For the rest of us though? We are left...

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A Data Logger and Temperature Monitor for Your Server Room

Last month in Dickson Insights, our feature story focused on server room and data center temperature. We outlined an issue that happened at Yale University, and talked through the different temperature and humidity nuances that a data center provides. What we did not touch on, were the benefits of...

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Why The ISPE And Their Guidelines Matter

The ISPE describes itself on its website:, as ”the world’s largest not-for-profit association serving its Members by leading scientific, technical and regulatory advancement throughout the entire pharmaceutical lifecycle.”

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Why Clean Room Humidity Standards Matter

Formerly reserved for the medical, pharmaceutical, and micro-electronics industries, clean rooms have become more widespread and prevalent across the world as the tech industry has continued to boom, and regulations have constricted their grasp on more quality control departments.

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How Server Room Temperature Monitoring Prevents Data Loss

Ivy League Failures

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Hospital Blues: How Supply Chain Breakdowns Harm Patients

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Hospital Focus: Why You Should Revisit Past Emergencies

We don’t want to give you a retroactive headache, asking you to think of a hectic and scary time in your hospital’s past, but . . . if you can suffer and stay with us for the next few hundred words, your hospital will be better equipped to handle its next emergency.

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4 Advantages To Hiring The Best IT People In Your Hospital

When we work with a hospital on installing any of our products, the bigger projects always involve the hospital’s IT team. Thus, we’ve talked with hospital IT professionals off and on for about 90 years, and increasingly in the last two years, with the creation of DicksonOne. Whenever we talk with...

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