
Why Should You Measure the Temperatures of Pharmaceuticals?

A growing trend in the pharmaceutical industry is the development of more complex and fragile products, like biologicals, chemical mixtures, and large molecules (COVID-19 vaccines are an example of this trend). 

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​​Temperature Mapping & Validation in the Age of Biopharma Growth

The biopharmaceutical industry is experiencing an unprecedented increase in demand, which is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. In response, companies are scaling up their operations as quickly as possible. However, since it is heavily regulated, rapid scale-up in biopharma is more...

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Dickson's Most-Read Articles of 2020

2020 has made the need for sound environmental monitoring practices clearer than ever. To help position your organization up for success in 2021, we’ve assembled our most popular articles from the past year, covering everything from mapping to validation to vaccine monitoring.

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View Dickson’s Webinar on Thermal Mapping in a COVID-19 Era

Thermal mapping can be a significant undertaking under any circumstances. With the realities of COVID-19 limiting organizations’ ability to have their full teams on-site or bring in outside contractors, it adds another layer of complexity to the process. 

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Temperature Mapping: A Critical Process for Maintaining Compliance

In regulated industries, we often encounter materials and processes that are highly sensitive to temperature and humidity. The storage of certain pharmaceuticals is one example. In these situations, temperature mapping, also referred to as thermal mapping, is a GxP method that is used to prevent...

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Thermal Mapping from A-Z

When it comes to producing and storing temperature-sensitive products, sometimes the long list of terms and information involved in mapping can get a little confusing. Below is a list of abbreviations and key terms to help make digesting your mapping report and validation easier.

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